VIVEMORA is an ethically focused fashion brand that aims to empower women and protect the planet. Hence, sustainability for consumers, producers, and the environment is key to our business and at the heart of our values.

In today’s digital age, nearly half of all social media ads come from the fashion industry. So, we have a tremendous responsibility to ensure that our production supply chain is natural and recyclable. Now more than ever do we need to harness the power of ethical fashion to not only uplift lives but also heal the planet.


It’s estimated that about 80% of a product's environmental impact happens during the design phase. Therefore, at VIVEMORA, we know that ethical fashion is “circular” fashion, which is why cyclical drawing boards have become our best friends. We cleave to the principle that from raw recyclable materials to final product, there ought to be zero waste and a minimal carbon footprint

To that end, our work ethic involves ethical sourcing and ethical production. We apply the highest environmental standards; source the most sustainable, plastic-free, and biodegradable materials; use recycled materials where possible; invest in innovative technology; empower our partner artisans; and honor their cultural diversity

With VIVEMORA, you get to join the ethical fashion movement. And you get to enjoy top-quality clothing while empowering those who support environmental sustainability. Thank you for doing your part for a better tomorrow